Category 1 Provider
NZQA has ranked NZMA a Category 1 provider

NZMA is a part of Up Education; we are a provider of quality educational services. NZQA has ranked us a Category 1 provider, which is their highest ranking.
Small class sizes
Fun, supportive learning environment
Great tutors with plenty of industry experience
Vocational, industry-based training gives you real workplace skills
Top-quality facilities
Authentic training environments in every campus (bars, restaurants, student-run cafes and fully operational contact centre suites just to name a few)
NZQA-accredited qualifications
Industry partnerships – we’re the preferred training provider for many of NZ’s leading employers
Work experience opportunities
Free employment support through Careers & Employment
Pathways to further study, both within NZMA and to universities in New Zealand and overseas
NZD 15,000 ~ 23,000
Tuition (Annual):
Auckland Central Campus (Symonds St)
Otahuhu Campus (South Auckland)
Manukau Campus (South Auckland)
Sylvia Park Campus (Mt Wellington)
Trade Campus (Mt Wellington)
Christchurch Campus
Rotorua Campus
Wellington Campus (Porirua)
Wellington Central Campus