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ITP Information

ITP (Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics) Information

Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs) are New Zealand government-owned tertiary education organizations. ITPs provide diverse technical, vocational, and professional education that provides education in vocational areas, such as beauty, engineering, childcare, business, IT, Healthcare, and many more. They also promote research, particularly applied and technological research, that aids development.

 Northland Polytechnic.png
Manukau Institute of Technology.png
Southern Institute of Technology.png
Wellington Institute of Technology.png
 Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology.png
Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technolo
Unitec Institute of Technology.png
Western Institute of Technology at Taran
Ara Institute of Canterbury.png
Open Polytechnic of New Zealand.png
Universal College of Learning.png
Whitireia New Zealand.png
Eastern Institute of Technology.png
Otago Polytechnic.png
Waikato Institute of Technology.png
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